All photography provided by Kristy Ahlstrom

Are you ready to start looking at a project of your own, but wondering how and who do I talk to, and what should I expect? You will find that many companies do things differently. Here we have a road map to aid in the process. From the first initial contact to the finished project we want to meet the expectations of our clients.


The typical process explained in nine parts. There may be  variations due to job size and requirements specific to individual jobs. 

  1. Initial contact is made and a site visit is scheduled
  2. A rough schematic is made and a scope of work is complied  to articulate the work and materials that will be necessary to complete the job.  
  3. This is where we estimate based on the information we have gathered up to this point. This is what we call the soft numbers, or in other words "Ball Park Figures". This is to help our clients realize their budget parameters. At this time we also roughly estimate the possible start date and a rough timeline.
  4. With budget parameters in mind this is where we work with our clients on an approved plan and scope of work,
  5. In this phase we have solid plans and specifications to produce a " Hard Number" the more information we can gather the more accurate we can estimate. 
  6. Now we have the estimate/proposal ready for the acceptance of the client. 
  7. With a signed proposal we collect a percentage of the job cost to cover the purchase of materials that will need to be ordered.
  8. The work will be scheduled and a timeline will be established.
  9. The Work will commence and the project will be underway until completed.  



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